
Kellogg's Bowl Season's Official Snack Sweepstakes - Win Tickets to the CFP Champoinship! - Kellogg Company

ExpiredKellogg's Bowl Season's Official Snack Sweepstakes - Win Tickets to the CFP Champoinship!

Love College Football?
How about watching it live with a friend?

Enter the Kellogg's Bowl Season's Official Snack Sweepstakes and get a chance to win two tickets to the College Football Playoff National Championship Game on January 9, 2023 complete with hotel accommodation and air fare.

Sounds amazing right?

To qualify, purchase any of the following products from Cheez-It:

Original Crackers
White Cheddar Crackers
Extra Toasty Crackers
Snack Mix Original
Extra Cheesy

Take a picture of the receipt and upload the receipt with your details at http://www.KFR.com/bowlsnack. If you don't want to purchase, simply log-in to your Twitter account and post with #BowlSnackEntry.

Up to 5 entries are accepted daily!

So what are you waiting for? Enter today!

First Prize

Tickets for Two to the College Football Playoff National Championship Game on January 9, 2023 with Air Fare and Hotel Accommodation.

Entry Form


Winners List

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