
REI Sweepstakes - Win REI Gift Card & Outdoor Gear In The Adventure Awaits #ThisIsMySunday Giveaway - Sunday Afternoons

ExpiredREI Sweepstakes - Win REI Gift Card & Outdoor Gear In The Adventure Awaits #ThisIsMySunday Giveaway

REI Sweepstakes

Planning to go camping?
Why not win some free outdoor gear for your next trip?

Sunday Afternoons is currently accepting entries for their sweepstakes with the winner to receive outdoor gear products and a $100 REI gift card.

The grand prize winner will receive three types of outdoor travel hats from Sunday Afternoons, a 16L backpack, a vacuum flask, a REI tent for 2 and a $100 gift card.

Register for an entry by clicking on the link below and follow the instructions.

Interested? Hurry and enter because entries are accepted only until August 8, 2022!

First Prize

1 Winner: Three Types of Sunday Afternoon Hats, 16L Backpack, Hydro Flask with Flex Cap, REI Tent and $100 Gift Card

Entry Form


Winners List

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