Unilever Football Sweeps At BJ’s Giveaway - Win A Trip For 2 To An NCAA Football Championship Game In California - Unilever

Want to win free NCAA tickets?
Check this out!
Enter the Unilever Football Sweepstakes for a chance to win 2 NCAA Football Championship Game tickets + $2,000 for your travel expenses.
It is a trip for 2 to California for an NCAA Football Championship Game and it is worth $2,860.
There will be 2 winners of the trip package.
There will also be 1 winner of $500 BJ’s gift card and 1 winner of $100 BJ’s gift card.
Enter NOW!
First Prize
$2,860 trip for 2 to California for an NCAA Football Championship Game- 2 Game Tickets + $2,000 Check For Travel Expenses
Other Prizes
$500 BJ’s gift card - 1 Winner$100 BJ’s gift card - 1 Winner
Entry Form
https://www.unileverfootballsweepsatbjsamoe.comWinners List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
3Prize Value
$3,460Minimum Age
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
One Time-
- Report this Sweepstakes