Ace Hardware Customer Satisfaction Survey – Enter To Win A $50 Ace Gift Card (180 Winners) - Ace Hardware Corporation

Ace Hardware Customer Satisfaction Survey is about getting feedback from customers. You are invited to give a review of how Ace Hardware has fared in terms of some of its products and services.
If you made a recent purchase, then you are invited to send in your feedback, which could help Ace Hardware in its services to the public.
As a reward for your effort, you may win a $50 Ace Gift Card. The sweepstakes runs through December 31st, and 180 lucky winners will be rewarded with free Ace Gift Card within that period.
15 lucky winners will be selected and rewarded every month through December; and you could be one of them.
Visit the sweepstakes site to take part in the survey, or call the phone number on the site.
Good luck!!!
First Prize
180 Grand Prize Winners -Every Month 15 Grand Prize Winners Will Each Receive A $50 Ace Gift Card.
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
180Prize Value
$9,000Minimum Age
Ace Hardware CorporationType
SurveyEntry Frequency
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