
Win Free WhatABurger For A Year, $50 Gift Card & More In The Academy Sports Magellan Outdoors x Whataburger Sweepstakes - Academy Sports and Outdoors

ExpiredWin Free WhatABurger For A Year, $50 Gift Card & More In The Academy Sports Magellan Outdoors x Whataburger Sweepstakes

Love Whataburger sandwiches?
Want to win free Whataburger for a year?
Don't miss this!

Enter the Academy Sports Magellan Outdoors x Whataburger Sweepstakes for a chance to win free Whataburger for a year, $50 Academy Sports + Outdoors Gift Card and more.

There will be 2 winners.

Each winner will also receive branded Magellan Outdoors & Whataburger clothes, hat, tumbler, and soft cooler worth $200.

There will be 3 other winners of $250 prize packs.

Each prize pack includes $50 Academy Sports + Outdoors Gift Card and branded Magellan Outdoors & Whataburger clothes, hat, tumbler, and soft cooler worth $200.

Interested? You will need to scroll down the Sponsor's Page to see the entry form.

The sweepstakes is open only to residents of AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MS, MO, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, and WV.

Want to give it a shot?
Enter NOW!

First Prize

2 Winners - free Whataburger for a year, $50 Academy Sports + Outdoors Gift Card + $200 prize pack (Includes branded Magellan Outdoors & Whataburger clothes, hat, tumbler, and soft cooler)

Other Prizes

3 Winners - $50 Academy Sports + Outdoors Gift Card & $200 prize pack (Includes branded Magellan Outdoors & Whataburger clothes, hat, tumbler, and soft cooler)

Entry Form


Winners List

not available


Only Open To Residents of AL, AR, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MS, MO, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, and WV.

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