
Ultimate Space Prize Package Sweepstakes - Harper Collins

ExpiredUltimate Space Prize Package Sweepstakes

You could win a $3,000.00 trip for 2 to Orlando, where you will attend Star Wars Celebration Orlando and visit the Kennedy Space Center. Submit your email address to enter.

Full prize package includes:

2 4-Day tickets to Star Wars Celebration Orlando in Orlando, FL on April 13-16, 2017
2 tickets to Kennedy Space Center, including a VIP tour
Library of Harper Voyager books, including a signed copy of A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
Meet and greet with author Becky Chambers
$500 towards airfare
Hotel accommodations for 2 people in Orlando, FL.

First Prize

Trip for 2 to Orlando, where you will attend Star Wars Celebration Orlando and visit the Kennedy Space Center.

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