#middleseatselfie Sweepstakes - Orbitz

Winner will receive a Grand Prize of two first class vouchers and $1,000.00 in Orbucks, which will be deposited in the winner’s Orbitz Rewards account.
Post a photo of yourself sitting in the middle seat of an airplane, on a park bench, in a car, on the bus, anywhere you are sitting in the middle seat, and post to Twitter using the hashtag #MiddleSeatSelfieSweepstakes to enter.
First Prize
Winner will receive a Grand Prize of two first class vouchers and $1,000 in Orbucks, which will be deposited in the winner’s Orbitz Rewards account. ARV of $3,060.00.Other Prizes
(4) individual prizes consisting of Orbucks, which will be deposited in the winner’s Orbitz Rewards account, in the following amounts: $500, $400, $300, and $200. One (1) winner will be selected for each Orbucks Prize. If you are not an Orbitz Rewards member, you will need to create an account prior to a prize being awarded. Total ARV of $1,400.00.Entry Form
https://twitter.com/hashtag/MiddleSeatSelfieSweepstakes?src=hashWinners List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
5Prize Value
$7,460Minimum Age
TwitterEntry Frequency
Daily Entry-
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