
Vote Your Main Street Sweepstakes - National Geographic

ExpiredVote Your Main Street Sweepstakes

Win a $3,500.00 3-day/2-night trip for 2 to Washington DC; hotel accommodations for 2-nights; up to $1,750 towards roundtrip airfare; $500 gift card to use toward meals; admission for 2 to the National Museum of African American History & Culture; tour for 2 to President Lincoln’s Cottage; a copy of the National Geographic: The United States of America book; one National Geographic Geno DNA Ancestry Kit; and a tour of the Natl Geographic campus. Travel dates will fall between January 1, 2019 through October 31, 2019.

First Prize

3-day/2-night trip for 2 to Washington DC; hotel accommodations for 2-nights; up to $1,750 towards roundtrip airfare; $500 gift card to use toward meals; admission for 2 to the National Museum of African American History & Culture; tour for 2 to President Lincoln’s Cottage; a copy of the National Geographic: The United States of America book; one National Geographic Geno DNA Ancestry Kit; and a tour of the Natl Geographic campus. ARV $3,500

Other Prizes

First Prize: (4) National Geographic Geno DNA Ancestry Kit; copies of select National Geographic Magazines and select National Trust and National Geographic items. ARV $200

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