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Do you love looking at past sweepstakes to see the kind of prizes offered? What about seeing ratings from your favorite provider's contest or sweepstakes? Check out thousands of past offers here on! You will find some of the greatest sweeps ever offered!
57,262 past sweepstakes found!
Free Cookbook: Untraditional Desserts - Giveaway
Submit your entry to win a copy of Untraditional Desserts: 100 Classic Treats with a Twist by Allison Miller from the food blog.Expired
1 Prize worth $22Avengers Infinity War Giveaway - Giveaway
Win a Thor sixth scale figure. Enter now for your chance to win the Hot Toys‘ Thor Sixth Scale Figure as seen in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War!Expired
1 Prize worth $200Ruffwear Giveaway - Giveaway
Grand Prize is a $475.00 Ruffwear giveaway. Ruffwear Vert Jacket, Restcycle Bed, Clear Lake Blanket, Front Range Dog Harness, Bivy Bowl, Beacon Safety Light, Hydro Plane, Slackline Dog Leash, Kibble Kaddie, and Ruffwear Stickers.Expired
1 Prize worth $475That Time I Loved You: Stories Giveaway - Giveaway
Submit your entry at Good Reads to win a copy of That Time I Loved You by Carrianne Leung worth $24.95. So easy to enter for this prize.Expired
20 Prizes worth $49910 Year Giveaway - Giveaway
4 will win $250.00 Ten pairs of Swiftwick performance socks. Enter now through December 31, 2018 for your chance to win. Winners will be announced on the first Monday of each month through January 8, 2019.Expired
4 Prizes worth $1,000Westin Store Sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
A Choice of 3-night stay for two at any Westin Hotels & Resorts or The Westin Heavenly Bed! Submit your entry now!Expired
1 Prize worth $2,395Henkels 12-Piece Knife Block Set Giveaway - Giveaway
Grand Prize: A Henkels 12-Piece Knife Block Set worth $99.00 can be yours. Henckels International makes essential kitchen tools every home chef needs.Expired
1 Prize worth $99Countdown to Christmas Pinterest Sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
Grand Prize: $1,000.00 Visa gift card. What role best describes you at Christmas? Save any pin that reflects who you are at Christmas for a chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card!Expired
1 Prize worth $1,000$10,000 New Orleans Vacation Sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
Grand Prize is a $10,000.00 check. Now through January 2, enter daily for your chance to win $10,000!Expired
1 Prize worth $10,000The East End Giveaway - Giveaway
Be 1 of 25 to win a copy of The East End by Jason Allen worth $26.99. Submit your entry at Good Reads and never look back.Expired
25 Prizes worth $675Death in Provence Giveaway - Giveaway
Grand Prize for 100 winners will be a copy of Death in Provence by Serena Kent valued at $13.99. Just enter to win and let the fun begin!Expired
100 Prizes worth $1,399$50 Amazon gift card or PayPal - Giveaway
Win a $50.00 Amazon gift card or PayPal. Log in to enter this giveaway.Expired
1 Prize worth $50